On December 9, 2022, Antwerp University organises the Francqui International Professorship Symposium on “Diversity and Documentation of Speech Sounds in Languages of the World“. This symposium celebrates the International Francqui Professorship of Prof. Dr Bruce Connell and explores the diversity in languages of the world and the need for their documentation. The contributions focus on both the segmental and suprasegmental aspects. The symposium programma also includes several BantUGent talks:
- Labial-velar consonants in Sakata (Bantu C34): preliminary phonetic and phonological observations by Lorenzo Maselli
- Retroflex nasals in the Mai-Ndombe (DRC): the case of nasals in North Boma B82 and Nunu B822 by Lorenzo Maselli, Véronique Delvaux, Jean-Pierre Donzo, Sara Pacchiarotti, Koen Bostoen
- Shared phonetic features in newly documented hunter-gatherer Bantu languages in the southern fringe of the Congo rainforest (DRC) by Jean-Pierre Donzo, Lorenzo Maselli, Marie-Faustine Beloko, Sara Pacchiarotti & Koen Bostoen
For more info, see https://www.phonetics.expert/programme.