Koen Bostoen talks for the Kongo Academy

On April 30 at 4.30pm (CET) Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) gives an online talk titled “Kongo Kingdom and Kongo Language: Divergent Pasts, Converging Presents” for the Kongo Academy, a platform created in December 2019 by a group of intellectuals interested in promoting the Kongo culture through research, education and training, cultural events and partnerships with institutions and individuals interested in Kongo culture, history, and language. For more information on the event, including the Zoom link and password, see here. The recording is available here (passcode: S!?aFC5j).

Peter Coutros in Kinshasa for archaeological post-excavation analysis

Peter Coutros (BantUGent) is in Kinshasa from March 21 to April 11 2022 to examine the archaeological data excavated as part of the BantuFirst project during three successive fieldwork campaigns in 2019, 2020, and 2021. This post-excavation analysis is done in close collaboration with Prof. Igor Matonda (UNIKIN) and Isidore Nkanu.

Funeral Manoah-Joël Misago in Bujumbura (March 5, 2022)

Our dear colleague and BantUGent associate Manoah-Joël Misago (1975-2022), professor at the University of Burundi (Department of Kirundi & Kiswahili), was buried at the Mpanda cemetery in Bujumbura on March 5, 2022 in the presence of his family and many colleagues and friends. Maud Devos (RMCA & BantUGent) and Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) made a (pre-recorded) funeral speech on behalf of the UGent Centre for Bantu Studies (of the Department of Languages and Cultures at Ghent University) and the Department of Cultural Anthropology and History (of the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren). Ferdinand Mberamihigo and Ernest Nshemezimana, his colleagues from the University of Burundi and also BantUGent associates, were amongst the pallbearers and laid a mortuary crown on behalf of our team and department.



Manoah-Joël Misago (1975-2022) passed away

Our Burundian colleague Manoah-Joël Misago (1975-2022), professor at the University of Burundi (Department of Kirundi & Kiswahili) and BantUGent associate, passed away in Bujumbura on February 25, 2O22. He obtained his PhD degree in African Studies at Ghent University in 2018 with a dissertation on motion verbs in Kirundi and was a Kiswahili lecturer in the UGent African Languages and Cultures study program in 2016-2017. He leaves a wife and three children aged 12, 7 and 3. May he rest in peace! Wiruhukire amahoro!