BantUGent research at 9th International Conference on Bantu Languages in Blantyre (Malawi)

The 9th International Conference on Bantu Languages (Bantu 9) was held at the Malawi University of Science and Technology in Blantyre from 7 to 10 June 2022. The program included several research papers involving BantUGent researchers (bold):

  • Maud Devos,  Rasmus Bernander & Johan Van der Auwera: “Somebody interested in nobody? The specific and negative indefinites ‘somebody’ and ‘nobody’ in Bantu languages”
  • Hilde Gunnink: “Contact and Inheritance in the development of lateral obstruents in Southern Bantu”
  • Lorenzo Maselli ,Véronique Delvaux, Jean-Pierre Donzo, Sara Pacchiarotti, Koen Bostoen: “Retroflex sounds in the Mai-Ndombe (DRC): the case of nasals in North Boma B82 and Nunu B822”
  • Daisuke Shinagawa, Seunghun J. Lee & Lorenzo Maselli: “Postnasal trilling in Bantu cross-linguistic variation and typology overview”


Hilde Gunnink obtains a new postdoctoral grant from FWO

Hilde Gunnink (BantUGent) has obtained a three-year senior postdoctoral grant from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) for a research project titled “Language contact and linguistic reconstruction: (pre)historic Bantu-Khoisan interactions in Southern Africa in a historical linguistic perspective“. It is a follow-up of her current FWO-funded junior postdoctoral project titled “Language contact between migrating Bantu speakers and resident Khoisan speakers in southern Africa” (2018-2022).




Inge Brinkman talks for the Kongo Academy

On June 4 at 4.30pm (CET) Inge Brinkman (BantUGent) gives an online talk titled “Formal Education Policies in the Kongo Kingdom of the 16th Century” for the Kongo Academy, a platform created in December 2019 by a group of intellectuals interested in promoting the Kongo culture through research, education and training, cultural events and partnerships with institutions and individuals interested in Kongo culture, history, and language. For more information on the event, including the Zoom link and passcode (738070), see here. The recording is available here (passcode: Na%.Y6wi).


Maud Devos and Koen Bostoen consultants for Lola Jaye’s historical novel “The Attic Child”

The British novelist Lola Jaye has a new historical novel out. It is titled “The Attic Child” and was published by Pan MacMillan. The novel retells a true story from the Congo. Dikembe, one of its main characters, is inspired by Ndugu M’Hali (ca. 1865-1877), also known as Kalulu, who was Henry Morton Stanley’s servant. Ndugu tragically died during an expedition on the Lualaba River. Lola Jaye consulted Maud Devos (RMCA & BantUGent) and Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) for access to certain historical language sources and for advice on Bantu language use in her novel.

Mary Charwi (UDSM) in Ghent for a three-month research stay to work on Kuria

On Monday May 2, Dr. Mary Charwi from the University of Dar es Salaam arrived in Ghent for a three-month research stay at BantUGent, which is co-financed by the Global Minds Fund of Ghent University and the Commission Scientific Research (CWO) of the UGent Faculty of Arts and Philosophy. With Prof. Koen Bostoen and his team she will work on an Ethnobotanical and Ethnolinguistic Study of Kuria Medicinal Plants. Kuria is a Bantu language spoken in the Mara region of Northern Tanzania, adjacent to Lake Nyanza/Victoria.

Heidi Goes presents her research on Cabinda at Ausburg University

On May 4 at 5.30 pm (CET), Dr. Heidi Goes (BantUGent) gives an online Zoom talk titled “On the possibility of ‘Ibinda’ as the single common language of Cabinda, Angola” as part of Dr. Miguel Gutiérrez Maté’s Linguistics colloquium at Ausburg University. More information can be found here.