ULeiden-BantUGent workshop: Unravelling Africa’s Early Linguistic History



On Friday 17 May, the LHEAf research team from Leiden University will visit Ghent for a joint workshop with BantUGent on the fascinating world of Africa’s early linguistic history. On the program: exploring language contact, diagnosing substrate, and placing linguistic findings in an interdisciplinary context. Be welcome to join the workshop.

Contact: nina.vandervlugt@ugent.be


9am-12pm: Faculty Council Room, Blandijn



  • 9.15-9.45am
    • Introductions BantUGent and LHEAf
    • LHEAf project: Unravelling Africa’s Early Linguistic History


Diagnosing Substrate

  • 10-10.45am
    Substrate Interference in Bantu languages of Central Africa:  Insights from Diachronic Phonology — Sara Pacchiarotti
  • 11am-12pm
    Substrate Interference in Eastern Africa — Dominique Loviscach, Alba Hermida Rodriguez, Maarten Mous


12-1.30pm: Lunch break


1.30-5pm: Room 3.1, Tweekerken, Campus Tweekerken


Language contact

  • 1.30-2.15pm
    (Pre)historic Bantu-Khoisan interactions in Southern Africa in a historical linguistic perspective — Hilde Gunnink
  • 2.30-3.15pm
    The Bantu Expansion in Eastern Africa — Maarten Mous 


Interdisciplinary research

  • 3.30-4.15pm
    Bantu Language divergence and convergence and deep-time population history in the Lower Kasai area (DR Congo) — Koen Bostoen
  • 4.15-5pm:
    From linguistic to interdisciplinary research in Eastern Africa


Pre-workshop diner in Gado-Gado
Morning meeting in the Faculty room