Participation is free, but please register here.
Venue Day-1: Faculty Council Room on the first floor of the Blandijn building (Campus Boekentoren, building 05.03, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Ghent)
Online Venue Day-1:
(please visit the preceding URL for pre-registration)
Session 1: 10:00-12:00
Guy Kouarata (BantUGent): “The loss of Proto-Bantu *ng and the subgrouping of the Teke (B70) Languages”
Makoto Furumoto (ILCAA) and Yasunori Takahashi (Kobe University): “Emergence of the conjoint/disjoint distinction in Kimakunduchi”
Daisuke Shinaagwa (ILCAA): “Internal variation of negation systems and historical branching of Kilimanjaro Bantu languages”
Session 2: 13:00-15:30
Gastor Mapunda (UDSM): “Updating the Ngoni-Swahili-English Dictionary Project”
Sifra Van Acker (BantUGent): “The Introduction of sugarcane in Central Africa: Historical-Linguistic Insights from West-Coastal Bantu”
Jeffrey Wills (Ukrainian Catholic University): “Venda doublets and Kalanga contact”
Barbara Westerveld (BantUGent): “NLP and ML as research methods for African Linguistics”
Session 3: 16:00-18:00
Yuka Makino (ILCAA/JSPS): “Lamba in Doke’s era and the present day Lamba”
David Kopa wa Kopa (ULB, UNIKIS) and Birgit Ricquier (ULB): “Contact linguistique au Bas Lualaba, au présent et au passé”
Iris Kruijsdijk (ULeiden) and Maarten Mous (ULeiden): “The complex history of Mbugwe (F34, Tanzania)”
Venue Day-2: Room 1.14 on the first floor of the Blandijn building
Online Venue Day-2:
(please visit the preceding URL for pre-registration)
Session 4: 10:00-12:00
Ndongo Koza Josué (ISP-Gombe, Kinshasa) and Jean-Pierre Donzo Bunza (ISP-Gombe, Kinshasa): “La syllabe fermée en ngɔng de Katika (Bantu B864)”
[Marie Faustine Beloko (ISP-Gombe, Kinshasa) and Jean-Pierre Donzo Bunza (ISP-Gombe, Kinshasa): “L’évolution des consonnes de lɔɔnga, langue bantu de la cuvette centrale de la RD Congo”]cancelled
Sara Pacchiarotti (BantUGent): “Melodic H tone in Ngwi (Bantu B861, DRC)”
Session 5: 13:30-15:30
[Mary Zacharia Charwi (UDSM): “Morphosyntactic Analysis of Subject Marker Position in Bantu Verb Structure”]cancelled
Minah Nabirye (BantUGent): “Syntactic Reduplication in Lusoga”
Hilde Gunnink (BantUGent): “Inclusory conjunction in Bantu and beyond”
Koen Bostoen (BantUGent): “Causative/inchoative verb alternations in Ngwi (West-Coastal Bantu, B861) and the relics of the Proto-Bantu verbal derivation system”
Session 6: 16:00-17:00
General discussion: “Wrap-up and perspectives for outcome of the project”
This event is organised and financially supported by the FWO-JSPS Bilateral Project “The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography”*. It is co- orgenised by the UGent Centre for Bantu Studies (BantUGent) and ILCAA’s core project of linguistics “Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)”.
* ‘The Past and Present of Bantu Languages: Integrating Micro-Typology, Historical-Comparative Linguistics and Lexicography’ is a bilateral joint research program funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in association with the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO)