CARAM-BantUGent talk Talia Lieber “Cattle Visions: The Creation and Collection of Art in the Kingdom of Rwanda”

This talk examines the art of the Rwandan kingdom in the Great Lakes Region of eastern Africa, investigating how environmental and political conditions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including encounters with European missionaries and colonial powers, shaped artistic creativity in Rwanda. Ultimately, the talk will consider the following questions: How was the image of the kingdom transformed by Rwandese artists? What can material objects reveal about Rwanda’s heritage and state formation? How and why did artwork impact Rwandan and European perceptions of the kingdom more broadly? The talk draws, in part, from images and objects held in the archives and collections of the Smithsonian Institution, including photographs and films taken by White Fathers missionaries in Rwanda. Through object-based examinations and archival research, this talk examines how Rwandese artists rendered images of power and prosperity through works depicting cattle and reflecting surrounding landscapes that shaped both Rwandan and European notions of the kingdom.

Talia Lieber is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Art History at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she specializes in the arts of the African continent. Originally from Washington, D.C., Talia earned her M.A. degree in Art History from UCLA (2019) and her B.A. in International Relations and Art History from Tufts University (2013). Her dissertation research on the art of Rwanda has been generously supported by the Smithsonian Institution, the Fulbright Program, and UCLA. She has assisted with African art exhibitions at the National Museum of African Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and served as Co-Editor-In-Chief of Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies. 

BantUGent research seminar with Lorenzo Maselli & Véronique Delvaux on retroflex nasals in Boma and Nunu and Michel Onokoko on Cibinji

What? BantUGent research seminar
When? March 28, 2022
Where? Simon Stevin Room, Plateau-Rozier, Jozef Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Ghent (online through Zoom, passcode: 14LLVJiP)
1:30-2:15 pm: Lorenzo Maselli (BantUGent) & Véronique Delvaux (Université Mons): Retroflexion in the Mai-Ndombe: preliminary and methodological remarks on the case of North Boma and Nunu nasals
2:15-2:45 pm: Michel Onokoko (BantUGent):  Éléments de description de la phonologie et de la morphologie du cíbìnjì cyà ngúsú, langue bantoue (L231) du Kasaï Central, R.D. Congo (dry run PhD defense)


Lorenzo Maselli (


Angi Ngumbu talks on how linguistics impacts the lives of the speakers of minority languages in DRC

What? BantUGent research seminar
When? March 23, 2022, 2pm
Where? Simon Stevin Room, Plateau-Rozier, Jozef Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Ghent (online through Zoom, passcode: KG14YtTh)


Angi Ngumbu (The Seed Company) visits BantUGent on Wednesday March 23 and will give a talk titled “Applied Linguistics: Stories of how linguistics is impacting the lives of the speakers of minority languages in DRC


Angi Ngumbu has been working as a linguist and project manager in the two Congos (Brazzaville and Kinshasa) for 15 years.  She will share about the different projects she has worked on during this time in applied linguistics, from picture dictionaries, language documentation, survey, and orthography development.  Some of this work has been directly influenced by or done in collaboration with personnel from Ghent University.


Venue: Simon Stevin Room



Our Supported Missionaries - Fort Worth Presbyterian Church

Public PhD defense Heidi Goes

On April 1, 2022 (9.30 am CET), Heidi Goes (BantUGent) defends her PhD dissertation titled “A historical-comparative approach to phonological and morphological variation in the Kikongo Language Cluster, with a special focus on Cabinda”, which she wrote under the co-supervision of Prof. Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) and Prof. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (BantUGent). The jury members are Prof. Bruce Connell (York University), Prof. Nobuko Yoneda (Osaka University), Prof. Joseph Koni Muluwa (ISP Kikwit), Prof. Mark Janse (UGent) and Dr. Guy Kouarata (UGent).  The president of the jury is Prof. Jo Van Steenbergen (UGent) and the secretary Dr. Hilde Gunnink (UGent).

This event can also be followed online through MS Teams. More info:

The ceremony will be followed by a reception (near the Faculty Council, Blandijnberg 2, first floor)

Please confirm your presence using this link (, at the latest  Wednesday at noon (23/3/2022).




BantUGent research seminar with talks by Heidi Goes on Kikongo and Guy Kouarata on Lingála

What? BantUGent research seminar
When? March 7, 2022
Where? Only online through Zoom
1:30-2:15 pm: Heidi Goes (BantUGent): A historical-comparative approach to phonological and morphological variation in the Kikongo Language Cluster with a special focus on Cabinda (dry run PhD defense)
2:15-2:45 pm: Guy Kouarata (BantUGent):  Xenisms, borrowings and lexical hybrids in Lingála


Lorenzo Maselli (

BantUGent research seminar with talks by Sebastian Dom on Bantu causatives and Guy Kouarata on Lingála

What? BantUGent research seminar
When? February 7, 2022
Where? Only online through Zoom (Passcode: AnUWT8dw)
1:30-2:15 pm: Sebastian Dom (Gothenburg University): Synchronic and diachronic variation in the coding of the noncausal/causal alternation: Causative *-i in East Bantu languages
2:15-2:45 pm: Guy Kouarata (BantUGent):  Xenisms, borrowings and lexical hybrids in Lingála (canceled)


Sifra Van Acker (

Lorenzo Maselli (


BantUGent research seminar with talks by Hilde Gunnink, Guy Kouarata and Michel Mbabu

What? BantUGent research seminar
When? January 10, 2022
Where? Only online through Zoom (Passcode: fXSPHve3)
1:30-2:15 pm: Hilde Gunnink (BantUGent – Leiden University): Lateral obstruents in Bantu
2:15-2:45 pm: Guy Kouarata (BantUGent):  Les préfixes de classes 7 et 15 en bantou de la côte ouest : le cas des parlers téké de la RDC

2:45-3:15 pm: Michel Mbabu (ISP-Gombe, Kinshasa):  Les voyelles en kiyombe (bantou H16c)


Sifra Van Acker (

Lorenzo Maselli (