- Lis Kerr talks at the University of Yaoundé I (5/3/2025)
- Koen Bostoen offers training on Central African history to secondary school teachers (10/2/2025)
- Maud Devos talks on the Tetela archives of UGent Professor John Jacobs at Brussels University (3/2/2025)
- BantUGent research on the 2024 World Neolithic Congress in Şanlıurfa (Türkiye) (8/11/2024)
- BantUGent organized a two-day ELAN and FLEx workshop with Andrew Harvey (1/11/2024)
- Nemo Science Museum Amsterdam interviews Hilde Gunnink on clicks (25/10/2024)
- Leiden pre-defence workshop in honour of Elisabeth J. Kerr and Zhen Li (4/9/2024)
- CongUbangi at the annual European Association of Archaeologists conference in Rome (1/9/2024)
- Hilde Gunnink and Nina Van der Vlugt talk at CALL53 in Leiden (26/8/2024)
- BantUGent at Bantu10 in Dar es Salaam (15/8/2024)
- BantUGent at WOCAL11 in Nairobi (9/8/2024)
- Lorenzo Maselli obtains a three-year postdoctoral grant from the UGent Special Research Fund (BOF) (25/6/2024)
- Nina van der Vlugt and Aron Zahran talk at the Leiden Conference on the Linguistic History of East Africa (6/6/2024)
- CongUbangi project team back from fieldwork in north-western DRC (4/6/2024)
- Sara Pacchiarotti’s CongUbangi ERC project launches new website (4/6/2024)
- Heidi Goes talks for the Kongo Academy (22/5/2024)
- BantUGent welcomes Lis Kerr for postdoctoral research on Mbam Bantu (16/5/2024)
- BantUGent welcomes Arnaud Bizongwako (UBurundi) for joint PhD research on West Highlands Bantu (16/5/2024)
- “Disentangling Zambezi Valley population history” workshop at LLACAN (Paris) (13/5/2024)
- Start-up meeting “Modality in Swahili” project in Gothenburg (8/5/2024)
- BantUGent at “The Language of Extreme Events” Conference in Jena (23/4/2024)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver talks Generative AI at the University of Missouri (20/4/2024)
- LT3 welcomes lexicography talks from PhD students Annalisa Greco and Michaela Denisová (4/4/2024)
- International workshop at Osaka University in honor of Prof. Nobuko Yoneda (22/3/2024)
- Koen Bostoen talks at Kyoto University (22/3/2024)
- BantuGent contributes to geography, inventory, and description of Teke languages in DRC and Congo (22/2/2024)
- Heidi Goes participated in workshop titled Panchronic Language Contact: Angolan Scenarios (7/2/2024)
- BantUGent-onderzoek in Knack (7/2/2024)
- EOS Wetenschap rapporteert over de verspreiding van de Bantoetalen (6/12/2023)
- New Nature paper on the Bantu Expansion co-authored by several BantUGent scholars (30/11/2023)
- BantUGent welcomes Pieter De Coene as a new PhD student (22/11/2023)
- BantUGent welcomes Edward Ntonda and Aron Zahran as new PhD students (21/11/2023)
- BantUGent welcomes new PhD student Nina van der Vlugt (10/10/2023)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver’s latest A1 article shows why ChatGPT will revolutionise (Bantu) lexicography (5/10/2023)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver kick-starts the EURALEX 40th anniversary lecture series (4/10/2023)
- Sara Pacchiarotti (BantUGent) one of the five 2023 UGent researchers winning an ERC Starting Grant (9/9/2023)
- BantUGent at the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Heidelberg (8/9/2023)
- James Wachira and Jennifer Muchiri from Nairobi University visit UGent (24/8/2023)
- Minah Nabirye and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver talk language politics at the 3rd LAEA conference in Kampala, Uganda (21/8/2023)
- Ernest Nshemezimana and Sara Pacchiarotti present BantUGent research at Leiden BaSIS conference (9/6/2023)
- BantUGent at the 26th Biennial SAFA Meeting at Rice University (6/6/2023)
- Prof. Jean-Pierre Donzo (ISP-Gombe, Kinshasa) at BantUGent for a research stay (27/5/2023)
- Sebastian Dom (BantUGent) obtains a senior postdoctoral fellowship from FWO (24/5/2023)
- Prof. Igor Matonda (UNIKIN) at BantUGent for a research stay (27/4/2023)
- Presentation of book in honor of father Damase Ndembe Nsasi (21/4/2023)
- Hilde Gunnink talks in Toulouse during a workshop on past interactions in Southern Africa (31/3/2023)
- New BantUGent book on Proto-Bantu grammar out (16/3/2023)
- Heidi Goes and Lorenzo Maselli participated in a successful world record attempt (27/2/2023)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver gives a talk on the future of lexicography in Tokyo, Japan (25/2/2023)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver & David Joffe on the impact of ChatGPT on the field of lexicography (23/2/2023)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver gives a talk on the future of metalexicography in Tokyo, Japan (23/2/2023)
- Minah Nabirye and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver talk at Tokyo African Linguistics Knot (23/2/2023)
- Mary Zacharia Charwi and BantUGent colleagues publish on medicinal plants among the Kuria of Tanzania (5/1/2023)
- Guy Kouarata directs a documentary on the Congolese historian and politician Jérôme Ollandet (27/12/2022)
- Guy Kouarata talks on restitution of African heritage on international colloquium in Brazzaville (15/12/2022)
- Heidi Goes’ PhD research covered on Ciberdúvidas da Língua Portuguesa (12/12/2022)
- BantuGent research at the Francqui International Professorship Symposium in Antwerp (7/12/2022)
- Koen Bostoen & Guy Kouarata present BantUGent at AUGent Africa Platform Meet the Ambassadors Event (23/11/2022)
- Lorenzo Maselli gives a talk at the Tokyo African Linguistics Knot on November 14, 2022 (9/11/2022)
- BantuGent research presented for Kinshasa University delegation at UGent (21/10/2022)
- Koen Bostoen contributes chapter on Kongo Kingdom to secondary school history textbook (Dutch) (14/10/2022)
- Peter Coutros back from new BantuFirst archaeological fieldwork along the Kwilu and Kasai Rivers (4/10/2022)
- Jean-Pierre Donzo & Marie-Faustine Beloko on BantuFirst fieldwork in Sankuru province (DRC) (23/9/2022)
- Mandela Kaumba Mazanga successfully defends her PhD thesis on Kongo pottery (7/9/2022)
- Hilde Gunnink and co talk about the population history of Southern Africa at the 23rd ALASA Conference (5/9/2022)
- Sara Pacchiarotti and Koen Bostoen talk on Bantu Expansion at ISP-Gombe in Kinshasa (30/8/2022)
- Sara Pacchiarotti & Koen Bostoen on fieldwork and teaching mission in Kikwit (DRC) (18/8/2022)
- BantUGent deplores the death of Prof. Timothée Mukash Kalel (16/8/2022)
- BantUGent mourns the passing of Prof. Georges Kamba Muzenga (6/8/2022)
- Minah Nabirye & Gilles-Maurice de Schryver present the first Bantu language monitor corpus at EuraLex 2022 (Mannheim) (15/7/2022)
- Inge Brinkman and team obtain five-year VLIR-UOS grant for a project on Kenya and Ethiopia (15/7/2022)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver assesses existential crisis of metalexicography at Euralex 2022 (Mannheim) (14/7/2022)
- Hilde Gunnink publishes “A grammar of Fwe” with Language Science Press (13/7/2022)
- Minah Nabirye and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver release book dedicated to Busoga history (12/7/2022)
- First International Kiswahili Day celebrated at Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren – July 7, 2022 (8/7/2022)
- New Teke fieldwork by Guy Kouarata in Congo-Kinshasa/Brazzaville (2/7/2022)
- Journal of Historical Linguistics publishes historical-comparative research on West-Coastal Bantu (24/6/2022)
- Jessamy Doman reviews the Late Miocene and Earliest Pliocene Paleoecology of Africa (19/6/2022)
- Nature Scientific Reports publishes on fourteenth to eighteenth century pottery from the Kongo kingdom (17/6/2022)
- Maud Devos contributes to article on modal auxiliary verb constructions in East African Bantu languages (16/6/2022)
- BantUGent contributes to the newly published Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact (14/6/2022)
- BantUGent research at 9th International Conference on Bantu Languages in Blantyre (Malawi) (10/6/2022)
- Hilde Gunnink obtains a new postdoctoral grant from FWO (1/6/2022)
- Inge Brinkman talks for the Kongo Academy (30/5/2022)
- Maud Devos and Koen Bostoen consultants for Lola Jaye’s historical novel “The Attic Child” (28/5/2022)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver participates in a webinar on the future of Kaaps Afrikaans (19/5/2022)
- Mary Charwi (UDSM) in Ghent for a three-month research stay to work on Kuria (3/5/2022)
- Joseph Koni Muluwa becomes Vice-Rector for Education Policy at ISP Kikwit (DRC) (3/5/2022)
- Heidi Goes presents her research on Cabinda at Ausburg University (2/5/2022)
- Koen Bostoen talks at Colloquium on African linguistics at Humboldt University Berlin (2/5/2022)
- Koen Bostoen talks for the Kongo Academy (28/4/2022)
- BantUGent research at the Faculty Research Day (27/4/2022)
- Ernest Nshemezimana for a one-month research stay at BantUGent (25/4/2022)
- Igor Matonda is new head of the Historical Sciences Department at UNIKIN (12/4/2022)
- Koen Bostoen talks on Bantu for Flemish Service for Certification of Social Interpreting and Translation (6/4/2022)
- April 1 2022 — two BantUGent PhD dissertations defended in one day (2/4/2022)
- Peter Coutros in Kinshasa for archaeological post-excavation analysis (21/3/2022)
- Funeral Manoah-Joël Misago in Bujumbura (March 5, 2022) (7/3/2022)
- Koen Bostoen talks on “The antipassive in Cilubà and Bantu” at the University of Toronto (28/2/2022)
- Manoah-Joël Misago (1975-2022) passed away (26/2/2022)
- Francqui chair holder Bruce Connell visits BantUGent (23/2/2022)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver participates in a webinar on the future of Kaaps (Afrikaans) (18/2/2022)
- Joseph Koni Muluwa in Ghent for a three-month research visit at BantUGent (11/2/2022)
- “Monster: Other/Alternative” — Inge Brinkman in Faculty Magazine (29/1/2022)
- “Excavating everyday lives” — Peter Coutros in Faculty Magazine (29/1/2022)
- Stemmen van Afrika has a new post on interdisciplinary BantUGent research (25/1/2022)
- Sara Pacchiarotti presents new research on applicatives at the Linguistic Society of Paris (23/1/2022)
- Ernest Nshemezimana and Ferdinand Mberamihigo publish new corpus-based research on Kirundi (23/1/2022)
- New short film on the BantuFirst archaeological river reconnaissance mission 2021 (13/1/2022)
- Jessamy Doman joins BantUGent (2/1/2022)
- Papers in Historical Phonology publishes new BantUGent research on the vowel system of Ngwi (2/1/2022)
- New BantUGent research on Final Vowel Loss in Lower Kasai Bantu in the Journal of Language Contact (14/12/2021)
- BantUGent researchers contribute to new multilingual piece of art (18/11/2021)
- Bantu9 – Malawi University Of Science and Technology – Call for Papers open (4/11/2021)
- Language in Africa publishes new research on the understudied West-Coastal Bantu language Ngwi (25/10/2021)
- Koen Bostoen (re)presents BantuGent at a research meeting on Gabon at Brussels University (ULB) (25/10/2021)
- Jean-Pierre Donzo in Ghent for a two-month research visit at BantUGent (25/10/2021)
- Jean-Pierre Donzo presents research on NW Congolese languages at the Westermann workshop in Berlin (18/10/2021)
- Koen Bostoen, Peter Coutros & Carina Schlebusch at MPI-Jena workshop on “Archaeology and Language” (13/10/2021)
- New language-based BantUGent research on early banana cultivation in Central Africa (18/9/2021)
- Maud Devos puts oral heritage from Bantu-speaking Africa in the spotlight (15/9/2021)
- BantUGent talk one of the openers at the Linguists’ Day of the Linguistic Society of Belgium (14/9/2021)
- Deo Kawalya and Maud Devos present their research at “Mirativity and evidentiality in Bantu”-workshop (9/9/2021)
- Online master class on Bantu Expansion at the University of Mississippi (USA) by Koen Bostoen (7/9/2021)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver at online Euralex 2021 congress (7/9/2021)
- Gilles-Maurice de Schryver on lexical decolonization of African languages in De Standaard (27/8/2021)
- New corpus-driven BantUGent research on Luganda grammar (5/8/2021)
- BantuFirst archaeological fieldwork mission along the Kwilu-Kasai-Loange river network (DRC) (4/8/2021)
- Guy Kouarata’s BantuFirst fieldwork mission in the DRC and Congo (21/7/2021)
- BantuFirst linguistic and genetic fieldwork mission in the Mai Ndombe Province (DRC) (12/7/2021)
- New corpus-based research on Kirundi by Manoah-Joël Misago and colleagues (2/7/2021)
- Koen Bostoen talks on population collapse in Congo rainforest at African Studies Centre Leiden (17/6/2021)
- BantUGent at the 10th World Congress of African Linguistics – Leiden (7/6/2021)
- BantUGent at the 8th International Conference on Bantu Languages – University of Essex (2/6/2021)
- Koen Bostoen & Joseph Koni Muluwa talk at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (27/5/2021)
- Sara Pacchiarotti and Koen Bostoen talk at the 15th International African Studies Conference in Moscow (25/5/2021)
- Koen Bostoen gives a talk for Belgium’s Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences (18/5/2021)
- Koen Bostoen talks at DDL in Lyon (17/5/2021)
- Koen Bostoen talks for the Kalahari Basin Area network (22/4/2021)
- Hilde Gunnink talks for the Kalahari Basin Area network (19/4/2021)
Jean-Pierre Donzo (ISP Gombe) & Lorenzo Maselli (BantUGent) during joint fieldwork in Mai-Ndombe Province of DRC, June 2021
Igor Matonda (UNIKIN) & Peter Coutros (BantUGent) on a joint archaeological exploration of the Kwilu-Kasai-Loange river networks (DRC), August 2021 (© Igor Matonda)