Congratulations to Sebastian Dom (BantUGent) for obtaining a FWO senior postdoctoral fellowship for the research project titled “A historiography of Kikongo language studies and management (1624-1960)” under the supervision of Prof. Michael Meeuwis! Sebastian obtained his PhD at Ghent University in 2018 with a FWO-funded dissertation titled “Bantu verbal derivation and tense/aspect from a historical-comparative perspective: the Kikongo Language Cluster and beyond”. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, where he worked in a project on valency-decreasing alternations in East Ruvu Bantu languages from Tanzania, BantUGent welcomes him back at the alma mater to continue his research on Kikongo. His research focuses on verbal morphology, morphosemantics and morphosyntax in Bantu languages, and more specifically on tense/aspect and valency, from a descriptive, comparative and historical perspective.